
Innovative sport, exercise and health research can significantly aid our community. Our overall research and development aims are to help positively drive our community health and wellness, in areas such as promoting physical activity and sports participation, and to aid in the development and improvement of athletes and coaches performance.

Areas of research interest and experience of academics at the school of sport include strength and conditioning, sports leadership, sports sociology, clinical exercise physiology, sport and education and disruptive technology in sport science.

The Sports team welcomes collaboration so please don't hesitate to contact their Academic Lead (Research).

Researchers and their research interests:

Fran Serrano — Researches sports management

Fran is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Social Work and Sport and is interested in leadership and the role it plays in athlete performance, communication, organisational behaviour and mental skills.

Jaron Kung — Researches strength and conditioning, speed and power, Olympic lifting, injury prevention, performance enhancement and coaching

Jaron is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Social Work and Sport and is an avid researcher.

Mihi Nemani — Researches sport sociology in relation to ethnicity and gender

Mihi is a Principal Lecturer at the School of Social Work and Sport and is interested in providing a voice for minority groups in the sporting environment.