Children's Education Centre

MIT's Early Childhood Education Centre - for students, staff and the public.

MIT's Children's Education Centre is a well-resourced, multicultural community where we practise respect for each child, family and teacher onsite.

  • Spaces available for children 0-5 years
  • Our centre is open to the public, as well as providing spaces for children of students and staff at MIT
  • Open Monday - Friday 7.30am-5pm. (Please note we are closed on public holidays. we are also closed for extra Easter holiday, closed for 3 weeks during Christmas / New Year)
  • Meals included and up to 30 hours free per week for three to five (3-5) year olds (conditions apply please contact the centre for more information).
  • Under and Over two's rooms and learning spaces
  • A spacious, natural outdoor area with multiple learning spaces
  • We offer a high level of qualified and registered teachers

We would love to meet you and your child and show you around our wonderful facilities.

Enquire now


The centre is available for children of students, lecturers and support staff at MIT, as well as children from the community. We provide healthy and nutritious meals, including lunch, morning and afternoon tea and are open during standard work hours.

We encourage our children to be confident and capable learners and have plenty of outdoor space where children can explore, play and discover nature. Learning is based on the national curriculum.

To support children's transition to school, the centre enjoys a partnership with a local school. Children who are nearly 5 years old get an opportunity to visit the local schools and spend a short morning with new entrants.

The MIT Children’s Education Centre history

MIT has operated a crèche or childcare centre since the 1970’s. It’s been in a number of locations over the years beginning with the old Yendarra Homestead (between L Block and Bairds Road), then to O Block before moving into a house on Ashton Street.

In 1993 construction began on the purpose built MIT Children’s Education Centre, at North Campus (NE Block).

The centre was officially opened by the Honorable John Luxton, Associate Minister of Education on 15 July 1994 and has continued to serve the children of our students, staff and local community.


Our Vision

Our vision is to be widely recognised as a provider of excellence in early childhood education. We aspire to provide stimulating and innovative experiences where children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to ensure the overall development of each individual child who works alongside passionate educators and in partnership with parents and whānau.

Our Philosophy

At Manukau Institute of Technology Children’s Education Centre, we acknowledge each child as a confident and competent individual learner. We believe that children learn best through play and education at their own pace and in their own way. Our approach to education is based on children’s holistic development following the principles in the Early Childhood Curriculum, Te Whāriki.

We embrace relationships and open communication with our parents, whanau and community and together we are partners in supporting children to reach their full potential.

We vision our environment as a place where children, families and whanau feel safe and have a sense of belonging. We welcome the diverse range of values and ethnicity within our community with ongoing respect to the Tiriti O Waitangi.


The MIT Children's Education Centre is pleased to offer the following to our families.

30 hours free childcare offer

We are now offering 30 hours free to all children aged three (3) years and over enrolled at MIT Children’s Education Centre. Please enquire at reception if you would like to take us up on this offer. The following conditions apply:

  • Child must be aged three (3) or over and must attend 9am to 3pm for five days per week
    • A minimum average attendance rate of 80% (calculated weekly) is required for these hours.  Planned absences must be notified to the Centre at the earliest possible opportunity and must be agreed with the Centre
    • Hours of attendance that are in addition to these hours will be charged at a rate of $10 per hour and are by prior arrangement with the Centre.
  • For all new and re-enrolments, a non-refundable $30 administration fee is payable when submitting the enrolment form
  • Another condition to receive the 30 hours free is to apply for WINZ subsidy.

Manukau Institute of Technology staff discount

To support our wider Manukau Institute of Technology staff and their whānau, we offer a staff childcare discount here at the Children's Education Centre.

Staff childcare 25% discount


  • The 25% discount applies when a child or children (aged 0-5 years) are enrolled at the MIT Children’s Education Centre
  • The 25% discount is taken off the standard MIT Children’s Education Centre childcare fees
  • For all new and re-enrolments, a non-refundable $30 administration fee is payable when submitting the enrolment form
  • MIT staff (fixed-term or permanent) will be required to provide evidence of their employment.


The Centre employs full-time qualified and registered teachers, support staff, centre chef and a Centre manager.

Casual relievers are available when required.

Our teachers come from many different backgrounds, including Māori, Chinese, Indian, and Samoan, so you'll hear these languages spoken at the Centre.

This Centre is also used as a practicum venue for Early Childhood Education students from recognised learning institutions, including MIT. These students ensure that teachers keep abreast of current thinking and teaching practice, and in turn, the students benefit from the experience of Centre teaching staff.

MIT Children's Education Centre Team

Parul Chandel

Centre Manager

Nandany Deo

Team Leader

Arvin Valencia

Centre Chef

Under Two's Team

Kelly-Marie Wright


Kelly Hunter


Over Two's Team

Aileen Smith


Avepea Elisara


Anila Jacob


Yujie Zhu


Kavitha Vegesna



The childcare centre is community-based and is part of Manukau Institute of Technology Student Experience and Success team.

Any review in policy is a collaborative approach between families, teachers and management. Family/whānau opinions are seriously considered. Consultation on any changes to fee structure takes place six months prior to implementation. This provides the opportunity for dialogue and discussion about the rationale for any increase.


We encourage parents to familiarise themselves with our centre policies and emergency procedures.

You can find them on the links below or you can ask one of our team members for a copy of the policies.


Health and Safety 

Parents Contact Information

It is important to update your contact information at the centre up-to-date and advise us immediately if there is a change in your phone numbers or email address. It will enable us to keep you informed in case of an emergency. Please make sure that your contact information is up-to-date on our centre’s database.


Opening Hours Monday to Friday from 7.30am-5pm
Location 53 Ōtara Road, Ōtara, Auckland | Gate 11, NE Block, North Campus

Age of children catered for

0–5 years
Contact Phone: 09 968 7715
Fees Please contact the centre for current fees