Digital Technologies Internship Information
About Digital Technology Internships
The MIT | Te Pūkenga School of Digital Technologies has a level 7 Degree, the Bachelor of Digital Technologies (Level 7) with majors in networking, software and web development or data analytics.
When do our ākonga (learners) complete industry projects?
In their final semester of study, ākonga (learners) will undertake the Bachelor of Digital Technologies (BDT) Industry Project (45 credits).
The Industry Project is the capstone of the BDT. By negotiation, ākonga can arrange to extend the length of this project to allow them to fit other commitments, such as other work.
Placement hours are approximately 28 hours per week for 14-16 weeks.
The timeframe for these align to semester intakes and are approximately held between early March – end of June/early July (Semester 1) and the end of July – early December (Semester 2).
The BDT Industry Project is set in a workplace context. Ākonga will undertake a project, which requires them to apply their knowledge and skills in a workplace. During the project, they will reflect on their learning experience in the workplace and prepare for their future employment through professional practice components completed prior to and during the placement.
Their placement will be monitored and support processes implemented where necessary to provide assistance to ākonga while they are carrying out a significant work assignment for the host organisation on a topic in a field allied to their major, and the presenting of a project report or product based on client’s specifications, in conjunction with an academic supervisor.
What does the industry project involve
The BDT Industry Project involves a contract between ākonga, the institution and an organisation. The support of all stakeholders is pivotal to the success of ākonga on this course. The sourcing of suitable industry and community projects will be the responsibility of the School of Digital Technologies.
A Course Coordinator with a time allowance for the BDT Industry Project course will manage the process. Academic staff members appointed as Academic Supervisors will manage ākonga and support them to complete their projects.
All ākonga proposals for industry projects will be signed off by the Course Coordinator and the Project Committee. The Course Coordinator will be responsible for obtaining School of Digital Technologies and Institute Ethics approval.
Ākonga already in the workplace may be able to base their BDT Industry Project in their current employment. The suitability of their workplace will be a key determinant in approving this as it must allow a project to be completed which relates to their major.
The workplace hours of the BDT Industry Project will be concurrent with the project unless by prior agreement with the Project Coordinator/Academic Lead.
Ākonga (learner) responsibilities
Ākonga are expected to contact their Academic Supervisor regularly. These meetings could be face-to-face, via email/videoconferencing, or phone.
Ākonga may choose to undertake their Project anywhere in New Zealand. Undertaking a Project outside Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland will need to be approved by the Course Coordinator. It will be the ākonga’s responsibility to maintain contact with their Academic Supervisor.
Issues that arise will be dealt with by the Course Coordinator, Academic Lead, and others as appropriate.
The BDT Industry Project is an individual piece of work. Where ākonga are placed at the same workplace, an unrelated individual project must be completed in most cases.
Responsibilities of MIT
MIT | Te Pūkenga will appoint an Academic Supervisor to each ākonga enrolled in the BDT Industry Project.
This academic staff member will be a subject matter expert and will provide relevant academic support to the ākonga.
They will supervise all aspects of the BDT Industry Project or Industry Project and manage relationships between ākonga and host organisations to ensure they are educationally sound. This person will provide a direct contact for each ākonga enrolled in the BDT Industry Project course at the organisation to ensure quality, consistency and work relevance of the learning.
Responsibilities of the host organisation
An Organisational/Host Supervisor/Project Client will be appointed by the host organisation to support the ākonga. This person will provide a direct contact for ākonga at the organisation.
The learning within the BDT Industry Project is strongly influenced by current industry practices. Ākonga must secure an agreement from a collaborating organisation, to design, implement and evaluate a project.
Feedback to Ākonga
Feedback will be provided by the Course Coordinator and the Academic Supervisor. This will include feedback on the progress of the design and implementation of the project, as well as comments regarding their performance from the Organisational Supervisor/Project Client. This will be based on guidance to assist with the placement, the industry project and learning from the industry placement as preparation to enter the employment market after completion of their studies.
A ākonga who chooses to locate themselves away from Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland to complete their Project will require special arrangements for feedback. Acceptable arrangements will be set in place as part of the project approval process; these may involve at least one visit to MIT by the ākonga, probably for the presentation of their research project results, and the possibility of at least one visit to ākonga by either the Course Coordinator or Academic Supervisor during the course of the Project.
In some instances, alternative arrangements may be made by MIT for a collaborating institution to undertake this function. Ākonga travel costs to come to MIT will be at the expense of ākonga. Any cost associated with travel of the Course Coordinator or Academic Supervisor will be at the expense of MIT.
Assessment of the BDT Industry Project
Assessments for the written components of the Project are described in the Course Descriptor. It is acceptable for primary data to be acquired in a language other than English, but all assessments will be written in English.
Ākonga will need to present their project results to the Project Committee which serves the role of assessment panel. This would normally be done face-to-face; however alternative communication tools such as video conferencing could be used.
The Project Committee/assessment panel must include the Course Coordinator and will normally include the Academic Supervisor.
It is the ākonga’s responsibility to arrange a suitable time for this assessment, such that all panel members can attend. Furthermore, ākonga will be required to supply appropriate documentation prior to the assessment so that panel members can preview project results.
Feedback is sought from all stakeholders involved in the Project, namely host organisation supervisors/Project clients, ākonga and academic supervisors.